Laura Beamer speaks to the Texas Standard about the student debt crisis

Laura Beamer, JFI’s Lead Researcher on Higher Education Finance, spoke with the Texas Standard radio program about student debt cancellation, both regarding near-term federal action and long-term policy. The interview draws on JFI’s ongoing Millennial Student Debt project, and offers data about the implications of current policy proposals.
“The people that benefit the most from student debt forgiveness are low-income individuals and Black individuals. That’s not to say that other demographic groups will not benefit. With $50,000 of forgiveness, roughly 62% of people will become debt free.”
Find the interview here. Beamer’s portion starts at 16:24.
New Report on Student Debt Cancellation; Coverage in Marketwatch
Marketwatch: "The analysis is the first to provide a sense of who has benefited from the $153 billion in debt cancellation...
ISA research cited by White House and others
This research formed part of a White House issue brief, "The Economics of Administration Action on Student Debt."
Working Paper — Navigating Higher Education Insurance: An Experimental Study on Demand and Adverse Selection
A survey-based experiment in collaboration with the Philadelphia Federal Reserve.