From the series:
Social Wealth Seminar
Social Wealth Seminar
Social Wealth Seminar: Marcelo Medeiros
“Beyond Formal Workers: Expanding Social Protection in Latin America."

Tuesday, September 15: Marcelo Medeiros (Research Associate Scholar at Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, PIIRS), “Beyond Formal Workers: Expanding Social Protection in Latin America”
Suggested Reading
- Marcelo Medeiros, “A Plan for the Poorest,” English translation of “Um plano para os mais pobres,” Revista Época (O Globo), June 19, 2020. Available in annotated English translation and Portuguese original
Additional Bibliography
- This brief overview of Brazilian social funds, with Norway as a point of comparison
- This forthcoming article on the limits of educational expansion as a means to reduce poverty in Brazil
View the session on YouTube here.