New paper: Exploring Data as and in Service of the Public Good

This report explores when data can be made openly available as a digital public good (DPG) and propose how crucial data governance questions might be approached in situations where data cannot be made open, but still serves the public good. The analytical framework presented is intended to serve as a foundation for future discussion. The questions raised act as a roadmap to move from diagnosis to solution, with the goal to unlock the value of data in service of the public good.
This report was co-authored by the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA), Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, Jain Family Institute, UN Global Pulse, and UNICEF as part of a community of practice on “Data for the Public Good,” in coordination with the UN High Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP) working group on new global public goods: international data governance, which is led by the Committee of Chief Statisticians of the UN (CCS-UN).
JFI at Climate Week
JFI and our affiliate initiative, the Center for Active Stewardship, are hosting a series of events during NYC Climate Week.
Climate Week with JFI, CAS, and CPE: In-person panel
How will the green transition be financed in the US?
Nolan Lindquist speaks with Robert Eccles about ESG
On JFI's affiliate Center for Active Stewardship and trends in ESG investing.