New Release: Political economy of guaranteed income

New York, NY, August 15, 2022 — A new report from the Jain Family Institute charts public support and political pathways for guaranteed income in the US, with an examination of recent years’ trends and comparative models of related social policy movements.
“The Political Economy of Guaranteed Income: Where Do We Go From Here?,” is the final installment of a white paper series providing in-depth, nonpartisan analysis of pathways to a guaranteed income in the US. This report deepens the practical recommendations of the previous papers by assessing public opinion polling, awareness campaigns around over 60 nationwide cash pilots, best practices in narrative-building efforts, the evolution of the Child Tax Credit debate in Congress, and concurrent movements in economic policy—particularly that of One Fair Wage. The paper charts pathways forward for guaranteed income advocates within the post-pandemic political landscape for public benefits expansion.
The authors of the report are JFI Lead Researcher on Guaranteed Income Stephen Nuñez, Vice President for Policy Communications Halah Ahmad, and contributing author Saru Jayaraman, Executive Director of One Fair Wage and faculty at University of California – Berkeley….
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