From the series:
Social Wealth Seminar
Social Wealth Seminar
Social Wealth Seminar: Philip Rocco
“COVID-19 and the Crisis of American Federalism.”

Tuesday, November 24: Philip Rocco (Assistant Professor of Political Science, Marquette University), “COVID-19 and the Crisis of American Federalism.”
- Philip Rocco, Daniel Béland & Alex Waddan, “Stuck in neutral? Federalism, policy instruments, and counter-cyclical responses to COVID-19 in the United States,” Policy and Society, 39:3 (2020), 458-477. Available here.
- Philip Rocco, “State and Local Austerity is a Death Trap – Rip it Up and Start Again,” guest post on Nathan Tankus’s Substack, Notes on the Crises, July 16, 2020. Available here.
- Philip Rocco, “Ending Federalism as We Know It,” review of The Divided States of America: Why Federalism Doesn’t Work by Donald F. Kettl, Jacobin 39 (Fall 2020). Available here.
View the session on Youtube here.