Yahoo! Finance piece highlights JFI findings on rising student debt burdens
As rising student debt burdens continue to feature as a prominent 2020 election issue, Senators Warren and Schumer released a resolution on September 17 that called for up to $50,000 in federal student loan forgiveness, which would be enacted at the executive level. Yahoo! Finance spoke with the Center for Responsible Lending about the roles of the federal government and legislature in solving the $1.6 trillion student debt crisis nationwide, and featured JFI’s newest report data on student debt trends since 2009.
From the article:
“Between 2009 and 2019, student loan borrowers between 18 and 35 have seen their median total debt balance grow by nearly 18%, according to a new report by the Jain Family Institute….borrowers living in zip codes where the population was mostly Black, median balances have increased over the decade by 54%. Majority-Hispanic zip codes saw a 43% increase in balances.”
The full set of findings comes from our extensive report series on millennial student debt, and particularly the newest interactive map and report, “Unceasing Debt, Disparate Burdens: Student Debt and Young America.” Reach out to to speak with the authors or schedule a briefing to go through the data.
Thank you to Aarthi Swamanithan for the important story featuring our findings.
New Report on Student Debt Cancellation; Coverage in Marketwatch
Marketwatch: "The analysis is the first to provide a sense of who has benefited from the $153 billion in debt cancellation...
ISA research cited by White House and others
This research formed part of a White House issue brief, "The Economics of Administration Action on Student Debt."
Working Paper — Navigating Higher Education Insurance: An Experimental Study on Demand and Adverse Selection
A survey-based experiment in collaboration with the Philadelphia Federal Reserve.