Marshall Steinbaum
Senior Fellow

Marshall Steinbaum is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Utah and a Senior Fellow at JFI. He studies market power in labor markets and its policy implications, including for higher education, student debt, and credentialization. He received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago.
Related Publication Series

Millennial Student Debt
Related Initiatves
A First Look at Student Debt Cancellation
The first analysis of the policy-driven student debt cancellation that has been enacted over the last several years.
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
Student Debt Relief for Borrowers with Negative Amortization
The first installment of Part 14 in the Millennial Student Debt Series, this report analyzes systemic issues in student debt non-repayment...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
The Repayment Pause and the Continuing Crisis of Non-Repayment
Part 12 in the Millennial Student Debt Series, this report analyzes student loan repayment during the pandemic repayment moratorium.
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
Student loans, the racial wealth divide, and why we need full student debt cancellation
“No matter what you want to do with your life, I guarantee that you’ll need an education to do...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
Hysteresis and Student Debt
Sérgio Pinto and Marshall Steinbaum bring together the labor economics literature on hysteresis and ongoing research into shape of...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
The Right Way to Cancel Student Debt
A collaboration between JFI and Debt Collective, the issue brief makes a data-driven case for universal, automatic, and generous debt...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
The Student Debt Crisis Is a Crisis of (Non-)Repayment
Over the last ten years, as outstanding student loan debt has mounted and been assumed by a more diverse, less...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
Declining Access, Rising Cost: The Geography of Higher Education Post-2008
Our goal in this study is to help policymakers understand the changing landscape of US higher education since 2008, and to...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
Unequal and Uneven: The Geography of Higher Education Access
Previous research on the geography of higher ed has simply reported the number of institutions in a given area. But...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt