Phenomenal World partners with Chartbook China
The first in a series of Phenomenal World pieces translated for a Chinese-speaking audience.
Phenomenal World’s Andrew Elrod in New York Magazine
On Bidenomics.
Guaranteed Income In The Wild: Summarizing Evidence From Pilot Studies and Implications for Policy
How to make sense of competing claims about guaranteed income?
Mineral Wealth and Electrification — Technical Appendix
On data sources and data processing.
Part of the series Mineral Wealth and Electrification
Mineral Wealth and Electrification — Report
This report adopts a producer-country perspective centered on the potential for wealth creation and public value capture and investment.
Part of the series Mineral Wealth and Electrification
Transition-Critical Minerals: Wealth Endowments and Value Capture — Interactive Map
A high-level distribution of current and future mining production and potential royalty revenue globally through 2030.
Part of the series Mineral Wealth and Electrification
Phenomenal World co-hosts “Pathways to Green and Equitable Development” in Brazil
An event in partnership with Mariana Mazzucato.
Phenomenal World in the Financial Times
Elrod & Winant interview in Alphaville.
Levelized Cost of Solar Model
A model for estimating the lifetime cost of solar energy generation.
A Tale of Two Solar Technologies
"Protective tariffs enacted to insulate domestic manufacturers from market forces will inevitably come at a cost to downstream solar developers,...
Part of the series Financing the Energy Transition
Solar Memo
"Solar is by far the fastest growing power generation technology in the US." On solar module assembly in the US.
Part of the series Financing the Energy Transition
Market Microstructure and Financial Stability: Is there a Link?
On Monday, July 8, at NYU Stern: A symposium hosted by JFI and the Yale Project on Financial Stability.
HudsonUP Basic Income Pilot releases year three report
Qualitative interviews capture a comprehensive picture of the impact of a long-term guaranteed income pilot.
State of Play: Proxy Season 2024
In this report, CAS highlights 21 upcoming annual meetings where our benchmarking raises concerns about the pace of progress on energy...
Part of the series Financing the Energy Transition
A First Look at Student Debt Cancellation
The first analysis of the policy-driven student debt cancellation that has been enacted over the last several years.
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
ISA research cited by White House and others
This research formed part of a White House issue brief, "The Economics of Administration Action on Student Debt."
News Coverage of Phenomenal World’s Brazil Launch with Adam Tooze
Widespread coverage of Brazilian Minister of Finance Fernando Haddad's comments during the launch event.
Labor Market Policy and the Energy Transition: A Problem Statement
"Can skilled labor supply expand at the necessary pace to green our energy system, without wasting an opportunity to negotiate...
Part of the series Labor Market Policy and the Energy Transition
Nuclear Memo
"JFI modeling suggests that, even with existing reactor designs, greenfield nuclear power plants can be a competitive source of clean,...
Part of the series Financing the Energy Transition
Working Paper — Navigating Higher Education Insurance: An Experimental Study on Demand and Adverse Selection
A survey-based experiment in collaboration with the Philadelphia Federal Reserve.
The Tax Liability Red Herring: Defending Child Tax Credit Reforms
Analysis responding to the latest Congressional debates: Insisting CTC improvements go to families who have federal tax liability would ensure...
Part of the series Policy Microsimulations
Responding To the Bipartisan Child Tax Credit Expansion Critics: The Tenuous Evidence Behind Work Disincentives
This report attempts to explain comprehensively why objections to the CTC reforms on the grounds of disincentivizing work are mistaken.
Part of the series Policy Microsimulations
Bipartisan Child Tax Credit Expansion: Analysis of the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024
Congressional tax negotiators have announced an agreement to expand the Child Tax Credit (CTC). The proposal significantly increases benefits for...
Part of the series Policy Microsimulations
Sidhya Balakrishnan speaks to the Guardian on guaranteed income
On cash support in the Bay Area.