Halah Ahmad
Vice President, Lead Researcher for Policy

As the Vice President, Lead Researcher for Policy until 2023, Halah managed JFI’s work with grassroots organizations and policymakers, as well as engagement with journalists, academics, and peer research groups. She also oversaw JFI’s nonpartisan analysis of legislation that intersects with our core research areas. On the Editorial Team, Halah worked to further develop JFI’s policy and communication strategies, raising the profile of JFI’s research to better inform social policy.
Halah received a Masters in Public Policy from the University of Cambridge as the Lionel de Jersey Harvard Scholar, and an honors degree in the Comparative Study of Religion and Sociology from Harvard. She brings to JFI years of experience in policy research and analysis, having completed the Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs in San Francisco, and worked on issues of urban inequality and displacement in Milwaukee, Chicago, the West Bank, Albania, Greece, Berlin and elsewhere.
Related Publication Series

From Idea to Reality: Getting to Guaranteed Income

Messaging Guaranteed Income

Policy Microsimulations
Cash at the State Level: Guaranteed Income Through the Child Tax Credit
Eleven states have passed refundable CTCs ranging in value from $300 to $1,750 per eligible child.
Municipal Bank of LA: Financial Justice Portfolio Options
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Part of the series Municipal Public Banking
Municipal Bank of LA: Housing Solutions and Portfolio Options
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Part of the series Municipal Public Banking
What a Public Bank Can Do for L.A. and Its People
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Part of the series Municipal Public Banking
Revisiting the Child Tax Credit for the Lame Duck Session: Comparing Parameters for Anti-Poverty Impacts
JFI researchers review recent CTC proposals and simulate the effects of varying key reforms that increase the policy's anti-poverty impacts,...
Part of the series Policy Microsimulations
The Political Economy of Guaranteed Income: Where Do We Go From Here?
This paper is the fourth and final in a series on “Getting to Guaranteed Income,” analyzing the research to date...
Part of the series From Idea to Reality: Getting to Guaranteed Income
How to frame guaranteed income policy: a review of literature
Plentiful research and pilots have demonstrated the positive impacts of guaranteed income, but policy proposals require careful attention to framing...
Part of the series Messaging Guaranteed Income
Toolkit on guaranteed income in the U.S. for pilots, research
JFI released guaranteed income toolkit of collective best practices, pilot efforts & policy as cash initiatives continue to grow and policy...
Part of the series From Idea to Reality: Getting to Guaranteed Income
Part of the series Messaging Guaranteed Income
Overview toolkit on guaranteed income in the U.S.
Best practices, resources, and existing models of planned and ongoing research in the U.S., from JFI experts
Comparing bipartisan proposals for a federal child allowance expansion
JFI researchers compare child allowance proposals from the perspective of extensive cash-transfer expertise