Policy Microsimulations
This special project consists of timely briefs on live federal policy debates about changes to taxes and transfers.
Microsimulation is a commonly used tool in policy analysis to examine the poverty, distributional, and cost implications of changes to taxes and transfers. It allows us to explore the implications of benefit design (e.g. phase-ins and phase-outs) and financing choices. Although not set up to look at general equilibrium effects like a true macroeconomic model, a microsimulation gives insight into the initial, “gross” impact of a policy change.
Our initial microsimulation work focuses on the Child Tax Credit and variations, with new rounds of policy-relevant analysis to come.
Artwork: Nine patch variation with bars by Carrie Severt with photograph by Lyntha Scott Eiler.

In This Series
Assessing Non-filer Rates & Poverty Impacts for the American Rescue Plan Act’s Expanded CTC
Reducing Refundability of the Child Tax Credit: Assessing Poverty Impacts and Trade-offs
Analysis of Full Refundability of the Child Tax Credit Without Expansion
Memo: Cost Simulations of a Fully-Refundable Child Tax Credit (CTC) 2022-2031
The Expanded Child Tax Credit and Parental Employment: Tenuous Evidence Points to Work Disincentives
Revisiting the Child Tax Credit for the Lame Duck Session: Comparing Parameters for Anti-Poverty Impacts
The Impact of Families with No Income on an Expanded Child Tax Credit
Bipartisan Child Tax Credit Expansion: Analysis of the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024
Responding To the Bipartisan Child Tax Credit Expansion Critics: The Tenuous Evidence Behind Work Disincentives
The Tax Liability Red Herring: Defending Child Tax Credit Reforms
Policy Microsimulations Contributors

Halah Ahmad
Vice President, Lead Researcher for Policy

Jack Landry
Lead Researcher

Stephen Nuñez
Lead Researcher, Guaranteed Income