Media Coverage
New Higher Education Finance Research covered in Marketwatch
“The people who do have their student loans cancelled, this clearly lifts a significant financial burden."
Phenomenal World’s Andrew Elrod in New York Magazine
On Bidenomics.
Phenomenal World in the Financial Times
Elrod & Winant interview in Alphaville.
JFI’s Tuesday Climate Week Event in Bloomberg Green
Join us September 24 at 4pm.
New Report on Student Debt Cancellation; Coverage in Marketwatch
Marketwatch: "The analysis is the first to provide a sense of who has benefited from the $153 billion in debt cancellation...
Center for Active Stewardship’s Splice tool in the Financial Times
"The case against carbon emissions as a universal metric"
ISA research cited by White House and others
This research formed part of a White House issue brief, "The Economics of Administration Action on Student Debt."
News Coverage of Phenomenal World’s Brazil Launch with Adam Tooze
Widespread coverage of Brazilian Minister of Finance Fernando Haddad's comments during the launch event.
Center for Active Stewardship in the Financial Times
Alphaville's Further Reading shares several posts by CAS executive director Nolan Lindquist.
Sidhya Balakrishnan speaks to the Guardian on guaranteed income
On cash support in the Bay Area.
Vox covers JFI’s recent research on the Child Tax Credit
Jack Landry was quoted in Vox in a piece focusing on how Congress may come to a compromise regarding the...
Vox covers JFI’s Child Tax Credit research
Jack Landry spoke with Vox following JFI's new report on state-led CTC expansions.
Brazilian Subnational Social Wealth Funds in Bloomberg and Washington Post
"Brazil’s Oil-Rich Cities Are Revolutionizing Its Public Wealth Management."
Laura Beamer and Marshall Steinbaum publish editorial in the New York Times
"America's Student Loans Were Never Going to Be Repaid."
JFI’s Higher Education Finance research in The Guardian
Eduard Nilaj spoke to the Guardian after the Supreme Court's ruling against debt cancellation.
JFI’s Millennial Student Debt work widely covered in media
In light of a Supreme Court decision and the end of the repayment moratorium, coverage in Boston Globe, Forbes, Al-Jazeera,...
JFI’s public bank work in the Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles City Council has taken the next step towards a public bank.
Media coverage for JFI and the Berggruen Institute’s Municipal Public Banking research
NextCity covered the report's implications; the Los Angeles City Council has voted on next steps for implementation.
Fortune covers Millennial Student Debt research
On the resumption of federal student loan payments in October.
The New York Times covers JFI’s latest Millennial Student Debt report
On the upcoming end of a pandemic-era policy that has greatly benefitted student borrowers: the student loan repayment pause.
Two articles in the New York Times cover JFI’s Colorado Child Tax Credit work
JFI VP Halah Ahmad and research associate Jack Landry worked closely with Colorado lawmakers on a large expansion of the...
The Polycrisis in the news
The Polycrisis returns to the New York Times.
CBS covers JFI and Berggruen’s Public Banking report
On the first working paper in a series covering public banking in Los Angeles.
The Polycrisis in the New York Times
"Incisively documenting the emerging shape of this 'new nonalignment.'”