JFI’s Paul Katz provides expertise on UBI for Latin America Advisor
JFI VP for Special Projects Paul Katz, who leads the qualitative study of our work on Maricá, Brazil's basic income...
Phenomenal World analysis of class politics in dollar hegemony features in Bloomberg Markets Odd Lots podcast
Yakov Feygin and Dominik Leusder's widely-read Phenomenal World analysis of "The Class Politics of the Dollar System" was featured for...
JFI’s Arden Ali presents on digital ethics to the American Bar Association
JFI Lead Researcher in Digital Ethics & Governance, Arden Ali, spoke on a panel for the ABA International Law Section, discussing...
JFI Senior Fellow Johannes Haushofer publishes in Science on the best interventions for a pandemic
Alongside Jessica Metcalf, JFI Senior Fellow Johannes Haushofer wrote for Science magazine's Policy Forum regarding ways to discern the the...
JFI researchers publish CARES Act op-ed in The Hill
JFI Lead Researcher on Guaranteed Income, Stephen Nuñez, and Halah Ahmad, PR and Policy Communications Lead, wrote about key...
Press Release: Inside Out, new report on renewable energy and the future of mining
JFI Lead Independent Researcher Francis Tseng provides a comprehensive survey of transitions to renewable energy infrastructure and the myriad harms...
Stanford Basic Income Lab interviews JFI’s Stephen Nuñez
Sarah Berger Gonzalez of Stanford BIL interviewed Steve Nuñez alongside Madeline Neighly and Sarah Stripp
Boston Review op-ed: JFI researchers on “What a Solidarity Economy Looks Like”
Paul Katz, JFI Fellow in Guaranteed Income, and our partner Leandro Ferreira wrote about the rapid and substantial COVID-19 response...
Yahoo! Finance features JFI higher ed access research
Laura Beamer, Lead Researcher on Higher Ed Finance, speaks with Yahoo! Finance on the findings of our first report on...
Press Release: Income Share Agreements – New Partnership
Outcome and JFI form an exclusive partnership to spearhead a new phase of growth for the income share agreement market...
Call for Abstracts: MIT x JFI workshop on algorithmic ethics
JFI and the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing are hosting a workshop this April on the ethics of algorithms.
USA Today covers JFI “Geography of Higher Ed” research
JFI Project Lead on Higher Ed, Laura Beamer, comments on higher education desserts and our newest research findings in USA...
Blog: On “UBI & the City”
JFI's Guaranteed Income Project Lead, Stephen Nuñez, produced an illuminating blog on Phenomenal World, explaining the JFI-supported macroeconomic model...
Press Release: The macroeconomic effects of UBI in NYC, working paper
A new working paper of JFI-supported research simulates a city-level UBI policy implemented in NYC finds multiple, positive welfare impacts.
BBC Brazil features JFI basic income research in Maricá
An in-depth look at the Maricá basic income policy & its early effects, implications.
Business Insider features JFI research
Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa's cash transfer experiment and the larger picture of UBI research from JFI CEO Michael Stynes
Inside Higher Ed features JFI research on higher ed access
Higher Ed Finance Project Lead Laura Beamer and Senior Fellow Marshall Steinbaum speak with Inside Higher Ed on the implications...
Education Dive features JFI higher ed access research
More coverage of our recently-released research on "The Geography of Higher Ed" by Education Dive, with commentary on free-college proposals,...
New Research: The Geography of Higher Education Access
Preliminary results from JFI's ongoing study of access to higher education in the US.
Press Release: Higher education concentration – new study and interactive map
A new interactive map shows U.S. higher education access, including enrollment, concentration, and schools by ZIP code, and indicates...
JFI Researchers Stephen Nuñez & Paul Katz give lessons from Maricá in Global Americans
Steve and Paul wrote for Global Americans with our partner Fábio Waltenberg of UFF, on lessons for UBI research...
Business Insider speaks with Michael Stynes on Finland basic income trials
Stynes describes how Finland's basic income trial was hamstrung from success.
JFI basic income research features in El País
Stephen Nuñez spoke to El Pais on our basic income research in Maricá, Brazil.
The Basic Income Podcast hosts Michael Stynes & Stephen Nuñez
JFI CEO Michael Stynes and Guaranteed Income Project Lead Stephen Nuñez discussed our research in Maricá on unconditional cash...