Publication Series
Recent Publications
Paul Williams and James Medlock on paternalism, market failures, and welfare policy in the US
An argument worth examining for what it illuminates about the role of paternalism in safety net policy, and persistent misunderstandings...
Part of the series From Idea to Reality: Getting to Guaranteed Income
Hysteresis and Student Debt
Sérgio Pinto and Marshall Steinbaum bring together the labor economics literature on hysteresis and ongoing research into shape of...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
How to frame guaranteed income policy: a review of literature
Plentiful research and pilots have demonstrated the positive impacts of guaranteed income, but policy proposals require careful attention to framing...
Part of the series Messaging Guaranteed Income
Toolkit on guaranteed income in the U.S. for pilots, research
JFI released guaranteed income toolkit of collective best practices, pilot efforts & policy as cash initiatives continue to grow and policy...
Part of the series From Idea to Reality: Getting to Guaranteed Income
Part of the series Messaging Guaranteed Income
The Right Way to Cancel Student Debt
A collaboration between JFI and Debt Collective, the issue brief makes a data-driven case for universal, automatic, and generous debt...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
Rules, Accountability, and the Student Debt Crisis
An overview of institutional trends in higher education which heavily influence student access and indebtedness.
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
Overview toolkit on guaranteed income in the U.S.
Best practices, resources, and existing models of planned and ongoing research in the U.S., from JFI experts
Student Debt and Young America Annual Report and Comparison Tool
This tool allows for interactive comparisons of higher education and debt statistics for specific geographic areas at the national, state...
Part of the series Millennial Student Debt
Robust evidence for $1400 relief and recovery checks
Drawing on over a decade of rigorous research, JFI Senior Fellow Claudia Sahm presents evidence in favor of additional $1400 checks...
Part of the series From Idea to Reality: Getting to Guaranteed Income
Social Wealth Seminar: Saule Omarova
“The Case for a U.S. National Investment Authority.”
Part of the series Social Wealth Seminar
Comparing bipartisan proposals for a federal child allowance expansion
JFI researchers compare child allowance proposals from the perspective of extensive cash-transfer expertise
Reweaving the Safety Net: The Best Fit for Guaranteed Income
The second installment reviews the literature on cash assistance, indexes current income support and insurance programs, and offers insights on...
Part of the series From Idea to Reality: Getting to Guaranteed Income